DeLaura Middle School project complete!
Wow! A lot of work goes into these projects. Shelby, a student at DeLaura was inspired by Van Gogh's Sunflowers and Dali's clocks and ants, along with the school mascot, Scottie and came up with this cool design. All of Ms. Thacker's advanced art students and some other art students worked on this piece over three months. Being almost 7 feet tall and 13 feet wide posed some unique problems. So, we worked out a grid on 20 inch squares and worked on placing the pieces, then taping the fronts, then applying mortar to the wall and setting each 20" tile in place. Lots of students and my special team (without I couldn't have done it) Erika and Allison for setting and preparing, and then Laura and Carol to help grout. Thank you ladies!!